I’m old; born in the 1970’s with no useful memories of that decade and I came of age before personal devices more powerful than everything NASA used to get to the moon lived in one’s pocket. I was eating avocado toast before it became a sign of indulgence. The more I learn about my ancestors, the more I understand myself.
I like technology but have no patience for it when it fails. I have many skills but no specialties. Every once and a while I go full blown Luddite but come back around. I like old movies, old music, old television shows, old animation and still buy books. I collect things, but can’t be bothered to save a receipt.
I’m working on becoming leaner and mean (using only what is necessary, and determined to work effectively in order to compete successfully) in all things, something that is a not a grace but a skill I have to acquire.
I needed a place to save the things, so this is that, a digital scrapbook. Don’t expect anything and I won’t disappoint.
me@kristinacorey.net if you must contact me.