Number one. Act of presentation of Citizen Jose Maria Navarro and Miss Maria Ramos.
Number one. At the Mineral of Guadalupe y Calvo, at half past eleven in the morning, corresponding to January 5, 1907, before me, Julio Oroco, Judge of the Civil Status of this place by virtue of the law, appeared stating his purpose of marrying Citizen Jose Maria Navarro and Miss Ramos.
The first stated that he was a native and neighbor of this Mineral, twenty and five years old, single, farmer, with a room in the house number two of Plaza Donato Guerra, that he was the adopted son of Citizen Isacc Sanchez Navarro and the late Benedicta Caranez de Navarro.
Miss Ramos stated that she was a native and neighbor of this population, fifteen years old, celibate, that she was the daughter of Citizen Santiago Ramos and Mrs. Amelia Garcia; the first with a room in House number seven of Colonia Hidalgo.
To justify their legal aptitude to verify their arranged marriage, they presented witnesses.
The applicant: Silvestre Cararez and Castulo of the same surname, both of legal age, from this neighborhood, the first married, hairdresser, domiciled in Colonia Heidalgo house number thirty-seven and the second public employee, domiciled in Calle Juarez house number forty-four.
The female applicant presented Citizens Ambrosio Martinez and Othon R. Escarcega, the first native of Aguascalientes, State of the same, and resident of this place, of legal age, single, formerly residing at house number four of Aldama Alley, and the second native and resident of legal age Solteno, head public employee, with a room in house number ten of Calle Degallado.
Examined said witnesses under the protest of behaving truthfully, they declared knowing the applicants, whom do not have any impediment of those designated by article one hundred and sixty-nine of the Civil Code and who have always resided in this place.
Present the mother of the female applicant granted her consent for the marriage of her daughter, determining the undersigned Judge to verify the publications of law.
Having read this act, they signed in accordance, except for the female applicant and her mother, for having stated that they did not know how to do so.Note: the word used in Spanish for suitor is what was inferred but replaced with English equivalent of applicant and some general grammatical corrections were made for flow.
Numero uno. Acta de presentacion del Ciudadano Jose Maria Navarro y la Senorita Maria Ramos.
Numero uno. En el Mineral de Guadalupe y Calvo, a las (11 ½) once y media de manana, correspondien te al dia (5) cinco de Enero de (1907) mil novecientos siete, ante mi, Julio Oroco, Juerz del Estado Civil de este lugar faor ministerio de lay ley, companecieron manifestando su proposito de contraer matrimanio el Ciudadano Jose Maria Navarro y la senorita Ramos;
el primero diji: ser natural y vecino de este Mineral de (25) viente y einco anos de edad, solteno, labrador, con habitacion en la casa numero (2) dos de la Plaza Donato Guerra, hijo adoptivo del Ciudadano Isacc Sanchez Navarro y de la finada Benedicta Caranez de Navarro.
La Senorita Ramos dijo: ser natural y vecina de esta laoblacion, de quince anos de edad, celibe, hija del Ciudadno Santiago Ramos y de la senora Amelia Garcia; la preimera con habitacion en la Casa numero (7) siete de la Colonia Hidalgo.
A fin de justificar su aptitud legal para verificar su concertdo enlace, presentanon por testigos;
el pretendiente; a los Cindadanos Silvestre Cararez y Castulo del mismo apellido, ambos mayores de edad, de esta vecindad, el primero casado, peluquero, domiciliado en la Colonia Heidalgo casa numero (27) trenta y siete y el segundo empleado publico, con domicilio en la Calle Juarez casa numero (44) cuanenta y cuatro.
Las pretensa a los Ciudadanos Ambrosio Martinez y Othon R. Escarcega, el primero natural de Aguascalientes, Estado del mismo, y vecino de este lugar, mayor de edad, soltero, antesano, con domicilio en la casa numero (4) cuatro del callejón Aldama, y el segundo originario y uecino de esta Cabecera mayor de edad, Solteno, empleado publico, con habitacion en la Casa numero (10) diez de la Calle Degallado.
Examinados dichos testigos bajo la protesta de conducirse can verdad, declararon conocer a los pretendientes, que no tienen impedimento algruno de los designa dos por el articulo (169) ciento sesenta y nueve del Cadigo Civil y que siempre han residido en este lugar.
Presente la madre de la pretensa otorgo su consentimiento para el matrimonio de su hija, determinando el suscrito Juez se verifiquen las publicasiones de ley.
Leida esta acta firmaron de conformidad con ecepcion de la pretensa y la madre de la misma, por haber manifestad no saberlo hacer.
Doy fe.
Ancestry.com. Chihuahua, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1861-1967 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2015.Original data: Mexico. State of Chihuahua Civil Registration. Registro Civil del Estado de Chihuahua, México. Courtesy of the Academia Mexicana de Genealogia y Heraldica.