My Spanish language skills are nonexistent; yet the classes I did take in school helped me enough to make sure Google Translate wasn’t translating garbage.

Junio 2 Ma. Piedad Duran
En esta parroquia de Taos, a los dos día del mes de Junio de mil ochocientos sesenta y siete yo el párroco Gabriel Ussel bautise a Maria Piedad de seis días de nacida hija legítima de Francisco Duran, de Maria Isadora Velesquez. Fueron sus padrinas Anastasie Lujan, Ma. del Carmen Lujan, todos de la poesto de los Luceros.
Para que conste
firmo Gabriel Ussell.
June 2 Ma. Piedad Duran In this parish of Taos, on the second day of the month of June of one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, the parish priest Gabriel Ussel baptized Maria Piedad, six days old, legitimate daughter of Francisco Duran, of Maria Isadora Velesquez. Her godparents were Anastasie Lujan, Ma. del Carmen Lujan, all from the Luceros family. For the record signed Gabriel Ussell.
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Catholic Church (Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico), “New Mexico Births and Christenings, 1726-1918”, Baptismal register, 1866-1887 book 1: p. 51, baptism of Maria Piedad Duran; Family History Library microfilm 7548729.